Inclusv has launched a new talent database that we hope will uplift the applications of people from underrepresented backgrounds applying for positions in the administration of California Governor Gavin Newsom. Read more about it below, and contact us at [email protected] if you would like to add your information to the database!

Newsom Administration Announces First-of-its-Kind Diversity Initiative for California State Government

Administration is Partnering with Inclusv to Help Source Talent and Increase Representational Equity Across State Government 


SACRAMENTO — Governor Newsom’s Administration announced a first-of-its-kind partnership with Inclusv to source diverse talent and help California government better reflect the diversity of the state – in geography, racial and ethnic representation, sexual orientation and gender identity, professional experience, and disability status. Joyce Newstat, who served as Director of Public Policy for then-Mayor Newsom, will lead the effort in a volunteer capacity.


“California doesn’t succeed in spite of our diversity — our state succeeds because of it,” said Governor Newsom. “I am deeply committed to building an administration that reflects California’s diversity, and it’s a goal I hope to advance at every level of state government.”


Inclusv and Newstat, on behalf of the Administration, are partnering with more than 40 organizations across the state and country (with more being included as the effort grows) in order to create a broad and diverse talent pool for appointments, both within the Newsom Administration and across state government. The effort mirrors a similar initiative taken at the federal level by the Obama Administration that helped increase representational equity and broadened searches for applicants. Applicants sourced through the process will apply through the same channels available to anyone applying for state service.


Inclusv is an organization focused on building the bridge between talented political professionals of color and the campaigns, political organizations and government agencies who want to hire them. Since its launch, Inclusv has worked to transform the political world by releasing the first-ever report on diversity amongst the staff of state parties. Inclusv trains and mentors thousands of political staffers of color, and connects those staffers to campaigns, advocacy organizations, and government offices that are hiring.

